Wild Sidr/Beri Honey (600g)


BeeWild Sidr/Beri honey is produced in wild and natural habitat of Kohat/Karak, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Sidr honey from Karak is considered as the most high quality honey which is mostly exported outside Pakistan. The area is free from pollution and a dense vegetation helps in producing Raw and Organic honey.

Sidr/Beri Honey Health Benefits

Sidr honey is one of the most expensive honey because of its extensive medical uses. It has high antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti0xidant effects which makes it ideal for improving overall health and strengthening 1mmune system. Some of the med1cal uses of Sidr/Beri Honey are given below

Cures Infections/Sinus

Sidr honey effectively kills bacteria responsible for respiratory infections. It has several antibacterial agents that fights internal or external infections. Take Sidr honey with Ginger and black pepper at night before going to sleep to sooth your throat and get maximum benefit.

Acne, Skin Infection, Cosmetic beauty improvement

Given Sidr honey’s powerful antibacterial properties, it can also fight infections from standard injuries such as paper cuts, skinned knees, or even bacterial acne. Since Sidr honey also contains powerful antifungal agents, it could also be used to treat common fungal infections such as athlete’s foot or ringworm. Simply apply it as a compress and let it work its magic.

Live probiotics for Gastric ailments

All of us has natural bacteria in their gut to help them digest food. When you suffer gastrointestinal ailments, often the culprit is not at an optimal level. In order to balance intestinal flora, your doctor might suggest taking probiotics. Like with vitamins, probiotics — a cocktail of beneficial bacteria — are most effective and best assimilated when acquired from food instead of a pill. Sidr honey contains live probiotic cultures that are highly bioavailable, meaning they get into your system and start working fast.
If your doctor has recommended probiotics for intestinal ailments, the sweeter and more effective option is Sidr honey.


BeeWild Sidr/Beri honey is produced in wild and natural habitat of Kohat/Karak, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Sidr honey from Karak is considered as the most high quality honey which is mostly exported outside Pakistan. The area is free from pollution and a dense vegetation helps in producing Raw and Organic honey.

We carefully produce honey in our own farm keeping in view the top quality standards and make sure that it does not include any sugar. We do not heat or process honey so that it do not lose its natural efficacy.

At BeeWild we are dedicated to providing you with *premium quality* organic Honey. We do not heat honey or feed sugar to the bees. We keep them in the mountains with natural habitat to get the purest form of honey.


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