Bee Wild Mountain Honey
I started BeeWild with passion to save bees and producing 100% Raw, Organic and authentic honey and bee products.
I have been a big fan of honey and I tried honey from every place I visited in the world, trying to find authentic and raw honey. Unfortunately I was never able to find 100% pure and natural honey in economical prices. So I started reading about beekeeping. Reading about Bees magical world changed my search into a passion. I would recommend everyone to read about bee colony once in their lifetime and you would be amazed about how magical and mystical world of bee is and it will definitely remind you “So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?”. Some of the most amazing facts that inspired me to start beekeeping is the cleanliness, quality inspection, and team work of bees. These tiny creatures are hardworking and extremely disciplined.
I was laid off from my job and I converted this into an opportunity to work on my passion and started reading about beekeeping in more detail. After taking a short course at NARC, I started with 10 bee colonies which I could manage with a full time career on side. I never started with an aim to make money from this I just wanted purest honey for myself and the friends, however I soon realized that to make it sustainable I will have to put a price tag to it and bring it out for sale.
Bees do not only provide you honey but complete set of superfoods like bee pollen, royal jelly and bee propolis. Once you read about these products you will be amazed by the health benefits. Please refer to superfood section to get further details.
So my passion does not end by producing and commercializing honey but also getting all the super food and making it available to everyone around me. I also wish to share my experiences and learning, I want to pass on this beautiful skill to others and educate people about bee keeping and bees.
At BeeWild we are focused on producing 100% Raw and Organic authentic honey from the wild flowers of Pakistan and from the areas free from pollution and pesticide spray.
Our Wild Flower Raw & Organic Honey is our most favorite. You will love it for its taste, lightness & exceptional quality. It is harvested every year in March-April from Margalla Hills from the flowers of Dalbergia Sisso, Bottle Brush, Carrissa carandas and Eucalyptus. All of these medicinal wild flowers have immense health benefits. You can read about them in the section “wild flowers of bee wild”
I would request every one of you to support local bee farmers and consume local raw honey which is best for fighting local allergies. Thanks for reading this small story. You can contact us in case you want to know further about our project or need help to setup a beehive in your farm.